Well, the story of the drama revolves around a boy who is a victim of child abuse in his early life. The drama portrays his complicated behavior with others. Today the last episode of the drama aired on Hum Television Network. Viewers did not like the ending of the drama as Asif divorced his wife Sobia but Sobia refused to marry him. Fans did not like Asif's hasty divorce decision. Viewers felt sorry for Sadaf who was in love with Asif but eventually faced loneliness. Well, the fans didn't like Sobia's double game with the two guys.
However, many fans said that Asif's character is a true reflection of Wehshi's title. Fans said that the drama was good but the ending was really messed up, some fans said that they changed the ending of the drama because it is different and worse than the ending of the novel. Nobody liked Sadaf and Asif's separation. Fans loved the performance of all the actors. Most viewers disliked Sobia's character and described her as materialistic and selfish. They also called Asif the selfish character of the show.
Take a look at the comments below the official YouTube link of the previous episode: