Aijaz Aslam Shared His Terrifying Experience Of Flying In An Air Force Plane

Aijaz Aslam Shared His Terrifying Experience Of Flying In An Air Force Plane
Aijaz Aslam has been in the industry for almost three decades and he looks the same as when he entered the industry. Aijaz Aslam started his career as a model and later chose acting as his favorite field and has been an actor for many years now. He played many different roles in his career and always managed to impress everyone. Along with comic roles that he played with Faysal Quraishi and intense and dramatic roles like he did n Cheekh, Aijaz Aslam has played amazing roles in his career.


Aijaz Aslam Shared His Terrifying Experience Of Flying In An Air Force Plane

Aijaz Aslam was also part of the Pakistan Air Force-based film Sheerdal and played the role of a pilot in the series. He shared a terrifying experience he had to go through while training for shooting.


Aijaz Aslam Shared His Terrifying Experience Of Flying In An Air Force Plane

He said that when he went to the air force base for the shoot, he was put in a super-mushak plane with the pilot and he took him for the ride of his life. He also said that when the pilot maneuvered the plane to flip in mid-air, he was terrified but held his ground because he didn't want to show that his limbs were turning inside out. . He managed to keep his face and got a lot of compliments.

Aijaz Aslam Shared His Terrifying Experience Of Flying In An Air Force Plane

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